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Trading In China

Ukie trade missions provide an excellent opportunity for British video game developers to explore international business opportunities. As a delegate, those members that accompany Ukie are introduced to key Chinese investors and publishers. The UK mission businesses will each deliver presentations, as well as take part in 1-2-1 meetings between UK and international businesses, hoping to encourage investment.

To ensure this year’s delegates are prepared for the trade mission, we at Ukie decided to run a ‘Trading in China’ event. The event itself was also free to attend for Ukie members interested in learning more about these missions before deciding whether to attend one in the future. 

The event started with a briefing from Ukie’s Sam Collins who explained what members embarking on the trade mission can expect, along with an itinerary of the week. This was then followed by Jack Porteous from China Britain Business Council, whom talked about the current state of the Chinese market, more specifically, the Chinese video game market.

Tim Hill at Hylink came in and spoke about the different marketing techniques implored in China and considerations businesses looking to move into this space would need to think about. The final talk came from Ting Zhang from Crayfish.io who delved into the cultural, communication, marketing, commercial and operational differences one would need to contemplate when dealing with Chinese businesses or investors.

The session concluded with a panel discussion made up of Will Becket from Premier Communications and Soccer Managers Andrew Gore talking about their experiences on previous trade missions and dealing with foreign investors.

Presentations from each of the speakers at the ‘Trading in China’ event can be found attached to this article. If you would like to enquire about attending a trade mission in the future, then please contact Sam@ukie.org.uk