A campaign showcasing the successes of the UK games industry and demonstrating why global companies should continue to invest in our businesses.
The UK games industry has generated £7.7bn of investment since 2017, a stunning vote of confidence in our sector. But we know there are plenty of great UK businesses still seeking investment to help their businesses grow. That's why we've launched Worldwide to capitalise on that success, sharing our success stories with the world for the benefit of the sector. From generating foreign direct investment in UK studios to dispelling myths about the UK games sector, Worldwide aims to boost the global profile of UK businesses through events, webinar and content to further grow our sector.
Get in touch to find out more about our summer trade eventsUkie Worldwide is a campaign from us that aims to celebrate the UK games industry in an effort to support investment into, and within, it.
It will tell the stories within the UK industry in an interesting way, explain why the UK is such a great place to build a games business, demystify our sector and encourage investment and partnerships with companies across the sector.
Ukie Worldwide aims to put our brilliant businesses and games into the shop window, helping them to build meaningful partnerships or generate business changing investment that drives growth across the UK.
We're using our existing programme of trade events as a launchpad for the campaign. This programme enables UK games companies to establish meaningful partnerships with publishers, developers, service suppliers and investors from across the world.
The programme includes access to international trade shows, inbound and outbound trade missions, webinars and market data. The programme includes significant support at three major games trade shows – GDC (USA), gamescom (Germany) and China Joy (China). Ukie also helps games companies to secure Governmental grants to support their attendance at overseas trade shows.
In 2019, over 280 UK games businesses participated in an event within the Ukie International Trade Programme and secured export business wins of £94m and foreign direct investment of over £500m.
With overseas travel curtailed during the pandemic, Ukie pivoted all activities to virtual solutions and has run virtual trade missions with companies in China, USA, Japan, Russia and LATAM.
The world is re-opening and we know that UK games businesses need to do business globally to succeed.
The UK is a great place to make games for a number of reasons:
We're using content, events and data as ways to tell our industry story in engaging, and sometimes surprising, ways.
As well as pointing to existing research the shows the scale and size of the UK industry, such as our consumer market valuation or research exploring the size of our economic contribution, we'll be launching new research to track the value of investments in the country.
We'll also nestle all of this under the Ukie Worldwide banner - and link to resources on this page - to help you find out much more about our wonderful sector.
Check out our showcase of the best British mobile and PC games over on PCGamesN and Pocket Tactics.
Ukie organises UK industry stands at major global games events - including Gamescom - to encourage international trade and investment opportunities. As well as offering great opportunities to meet with developers, investors and publishers from across the world, many of the trade events we attend receive funding to bring down the cost of attendance for UK developers - making it easier to do business. Contact [email protected] for more information or to express interest about being featured at Gamescom 2022.
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