One of the best ways to get involved if through our programme of special interest groups. These groups are chaired by Ukie members and give games businesses the chance to discuss key issues that they are facing and work together at finding industry-wide solutions. Anyone from a Ukie member business can join a group so get in touch with the contacts below if you want to get involved.

Member Groups

  • Policy Group

    The Policy group helps determine Ukie's policy and public affairs strategy, agree plans for delivery, and provide input on consultations and policy papers.

    Email Dominic for more info

  • Esports Group

    The esports Group brings together leading esports event and service companies and content owners to identify opportunities and lead growth and expansion within the UK.

    Email Sam for more info

  • Policy Communications Group

    We are here to inform about the interactive entertainment sector, our policy communications group helps us shape messaging and reach key audiences.

    Email Bhavina for more info

  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Group

    Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are central to everything we do and our EDI group has helped shaped initiatives like our diversity census and #RaiseTheGame pledge.

    Email Dom for more info

  • Education Group

    This member group is a unique opportunity that brings industry professionals and educators together in an effort to share insights, ideas and expertise across sectors. We endeavour to work together to develop collaborations that support the next generation of talent and inform policy to further support the sector. This group is open to anyone in the Ukie membership that is interested in education or is part of the Digital Schoolhouse or Ukie Students programme.

    Email Shahneila for more info

  • HR Group

    A forum to allow the sharing of ideas and best practice between HR teams; Concerns, issues and trending topics impacting HR and operations professionals, legal professionals and recruitment professionals.

    Email Helen for more info

  • Got a suggestion for a member group?

    If you have a suggestion for a member group then please get in touch with one of the Ukie team to discuss this.

    Email us for more info