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By the end of the Unconscious Bias Training with Actors programme you will have explored:

  1. The filters through which we view and interpret ourselves and others (and the reliability and impact of these filters)
  2. Stats and facts that demonstrate the impact of unconscious bias on equity and inclusion
  3. The ‘hows and whys’ of unconscious bias and the concept of Daniel Kahneman’s Fast and Slow Thinking
  4. Types of bias: Affinity, Benevolence, Confirmation, Halo and Horns, and Groupthink 
  5. The part micro-aggressions, micro-inequities and micro-affirmations play, and the importance of inclusive language 
  6. How to re-frame our thinking to guard against implicit association, and stereotypes 
  7. Our personal networks and identified opportunities to broaden our perspectives
  8. Top ten tips for reducing the impact of unconscious bias 
  9. A personal action plan and have set an intention to help drive positive change

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