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#GetInTheGame2019: Ukie calls on games businesses to get their players registered to vote

Today, Ukie is re-launching its voter registration campaign #GetInTheGame2019 to get games businesses to encourage their players to register to vote in time for Thursday 12th December.

Earlier this year, nearly 8 million people missed out on the chance to vote in European elections because they weren’t registered to vote.

And according to the Electoral Commission younger people (those under 35) are one of the least likely groups to be registered to vote - meaning there is a chance that their voice won’t be heard.

Earlier this year, the first version of our #GetInTheGame2019 campaign drew support from government organisations and other NGOs ahead of the European elections.

But we think we can do even more to encourage players across the age range – but specifically young adults – to register to vote before the 26th November to give them a say in this crucial election.

The aim of the campaign is purely to increase democratic participation in the UK by asking games businesses in the country to motivate their players and communities to register to vote. We won’t be telling players how to use their vote, only that they should use it.

So, how can you get involved in our campaign? Here are our top tips:

  • Access our GetInTheGame asset pack below and create content to encourage your UK communities to register to vote.
  • Promote our forthcoming social media content regular tweets about the topic through your social media channels to help drive our message far and wide.
  • Use the hashtag #GetInTheGame2019 on social media to help us see your content and promote it through our channels.
  • Distribute the logo, hashtag and other assets to influencer contacts to drive further awareness of the campaign.
  • Email your teams to make sure that they are registered to vote.

If you have any questions about the campaign, please get in touch with Grace for more information.

But let’s make sure we work together to get as many of our fans and players into the game before this year’s general election. 

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#GetInTheGame2019 GIF:


#GetInTheGame2019 PNG:

#GetInTheGame2019 JPEG: