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Ukraine crisis: 4 ways the UK games industry can help

With the ongoing invasion of Ukraine, the European games industry has rallied to help those impacted directly by the war. We’re asking the UK games industry to also support these efforts on behalf of our members with colleagues in Ukraine and the surrounding countries, as well as those Ukranians living and working in the UK that are frightened for their families and friends.

We know that at times like these our industry is incredibly good at pulling together to use our powerful collective reach to fundraise and to support communities. We also know that the games our industry makes offer important spaces for contemplation, mental refuge, and respite in difficult times.

For those with employees in Ukraine who need help supporting employees called up to active duty or with to join the forces voluntarily, this article from Lewis Silkin is a useful resource.

For those who trade with Russia, or have teams in Russia, Gov.uk have up to date information on sanctions. 

For more specific questions about getting goods, or money out of Russia, the Department of International Trade’s Export Support Services helpline is available

If you need to speak to a member of the Ukie team, please email us.

Help with the 'Homes for Ukraine' scheme

UK games businesses can help those fleeing Ukraine by offering support with accommodation, finance and hiring, by filling out this form.

If you are a Ukrainian game developer looking to leave the country with your family, please fill out this separate form.

There are many NGOs on the ground in Ukraine providing support, shelter and essentials to those fleeing the invasion. With reports of some less than legitimate fundraising links circulating, we’d like to take the opportunity to remind you to always be vigilant when making donations, to be sure they’re going to the right place.

Below is a short list of registered humanitarian charities that are looking for direct donations:

The Red Cross

The Red Cross are distributing food, hygiene and warm clothing to those sheltering in metro stations, helping to evacuate people with disabilities and providing first aid as well as repairing water infrastructure where this has been disrupted. Most of the charitable pledges made by European games businesses so far have been in support of the Red Cross.

Donate to the Red Cross


UNHCR and UNICEF are stepping up their advocacy and support services in the regions around Ukraine. This includes setting up “Blue Dot” zones – safe spaces for children and their families, vital services, play and counselling as they flee the invasion, as well as providing safe water, sanitation and hygiene supplies.

Donate to UNICEF

Donate to UNHCR

Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders are working with local volunteers, organizations, health care professionals, and authorities to help people travel to health care facilities, access prescribed medications, and to raise awareness about common health challenges.

Donate to Doctors Without Borders

War Child

War Child is the only charity that specialise in helping children in conflict and are currently on the ground in Ukraine working to get minors affected by the crisis life-saving aid and psychological care. 

Donate to War Child

Get involved in fundraising

If you’re a developer or publisher who is considering donating, you can either do so individually or you can also submit your game to be part of fundraising bundles that are being compiled on Steam and itch.io.

On Thursday 17th May at 6:30pm there will be a fundraising event at Loading Bar in Stoke Newington, London organised by Global Shapers Community London - an evening of socialising, games and music in solidarity with Ukraine. 

Buy from participating games studios

Many companies are also directly pledging support though sales – please take a look at the GI.biz story here which is being updated daily. 

Necrosoft Games have compiled a bundle on itch.io to help those affected by the invasion of Ukraine which is now available to buy.