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Revolutionising Game Development: The Benefits of 'Critical Chain' Methodology

This is a guest article from Alan Lothian, Director of Ukie partner member 3ABEL

In the fast-paced and competitive world of game development, efficiency, and project management are paramount. The gaming industry is notorious for its tight deadlines, complex workflows, and high expectations from gamers. To address these challenges, game developers have started to embrace innovative project management methodologies, and one such methodology that has gained traction is the Critical Chain Methodology (CCPM), pioneered by Eliyahu Goldratt. In this article, we'll explore the critical chain methodology and how it can bring substantial benefits to the gaming industry.

Understanding Critical Chain Methodology

The Critical Chain Methodology is a project management approach that was developed to address the inherent uncertainties and bottlenecks that often plague complex projects. Goldratt, known for his Theory of Constraints, introduced this methodology as a way to optimize project schedules and resource allocation. At its core, the critical chain methodology identifies and focuses on the critical path of a project—the sequence of tasks that determines the project's completion date. Unlike traditional project management methods, critical chain methodology introduces buffers and prioritizes resources to ensure that these critical tasks are completed on time. It also recognizes the importance of resource constraints and encourages their proactive management. Amongst other things, CCPM tackles the impact of Poor multi-tasking, Student Syndrome and Parkinson's Law.

Benefits in the Games Industry

1. Reduced Development Time: In the gaming industry, time-to-market is crucial. Critical chain methodology helps identify bottlenecks and allocate resources strategically to ensure that critical tasks are completed as efficiently as possible. This can significantly reduce development time and get games into the hands of eager players sooner.

2. Better Resource Management: Game development often involves multidisciplinary teams with varying skill sets. Critical chain methodology promotes the efficient use of these resources by focusing them on critical tasks. This minimizes resource conflicts and ensures that team members are working on what matters most.

3. Improved Quality: Rushed game development can lead to quality issues, glitches, and unhappy gamers. By streamlining the critical path and allowing for buffer time, critical chain methodology can lead to more thorough testing and debugging, resulting in higher-quality games.

4. Risk Mitigation: The gaming industry is full of uncertainties, from changing player preferences to evolving technology. Critical chain methodology acknowledges this uncertainty and incorporates buffers to account for unexpected delays or issues. This proactive approach reduces the risk of project delays and budget overruns.

5. Enhanced Collaboration: Critical chain methodology encourages open communication and collaboration among team members. By focusing on the critical path, teams have a shared understanding of project priorities, fostering a more cohesive and productive work environment.

6. Cost Efficiency: While it may seem counterintuitive, critical chain methodology can lead to cost savings. By optimizing resource allocation and minimizing delays, developers can reduce the need for costly overtime and last-minute fixes.


The gaming industry's dynamic nature demands innovative project management approaches, and critical chain methodology has proven to be a valuable addition to the toolkit of game developers. By identifying critical tasks, allocating resources strategically, and introducing buffers for uncertainty, this methodology helps reduce development time, improve resource management, enhance game quality, mitigate risks, foster collaboration, and increase cost efficiency.

As the gaming industry continues to evolve, embracing methodologies like critical chain can be the key to not only surviving but thriving in this competitive landscape. By delivering high-quality games on time and within budget, developers can keep gamers engaged and satisfied, ensuring their continued success in the exciting world of gaming. Better still, there maybe funding available to support you through the training and implementation via Innovate UK.

This short video explains the key concept behind CCPM from the Originator (Eli Himself) and how it applies to all industries which have single/multi project environments Critical Chain Project Management CCPM.

If you are interested about hearing more about Critical Chain, our case studies, or just a chat to understand more then drop a line to www.aaabel.co.uk or through the 3ABEL LinkedIn page.