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Ukie Student Game Jam blog: How industry pros support our students

As we gear up for the Ukie Student Game Jam 2025, we spoke with returning industry mentors Jupiter, Mark, and Ben, who shared their experiences from last year.

The Ukie Student Game Jam is an exciting opportunity for Ukie’s student members to collaborate, get creative, and bring their game ideas to life in just 32 hours. Each team is paired with an industry mentor, a video games professional who offers guidance and support. These mentors can troubleshoot issues, help students navigate time management and problem-solving, and offer friendly encouragement.

Discord will play host to the Ukie Student Game Jam, providing a vibrant dedicated server for students and mentors to connect, share ideas, and celebrate progress. Here, teams can ask questions and engage with the full network of mentors and the Ukie team.

As we gear up for the 2025 Game Jam, we spoke with returning mentors Jupiter, Mark, and Ben, who shared their experiences from last year. From breaking the ice with their teams to tackling last-minute technical hiccups, their insights shed light on the invaluable role our mentors play. Whether you're a student wondering how to best work with your mentor or an industry professional considering mentoring a team, their stories offer a glimpse into the collaboration of the Ukie Student Game Jam experience.

How did you break the ice with your student team and get to know each other before the Jam kicked off?

Jupiter: We all introduced ourselves and generally talked about our approach to gaming and to indie games. It can be awkward at first when meeting new people, but with the shared like of indie games, we talked about our current favourite game and got to know each other’s vibes.
Mark: I posted an introduction of myself via the team Discord server channel. I asked them to introduce themselves, their previous experience, their goals for the Game Jam and how they wanted to contribute.
Ben: Video calls, covering my background, interests and how I could possibly help/advise.

Students at South Devon College playtest their 2024 Jam game 'Sinkie Soldiers'
Students at South Devon College playtest their 2024 Jam game 'Sinkie Soldiers'

How did you support your team through the Jam?

Mark: I offered my advice when needed in terms of managing their time, some bug fix solutions, team task allocation. Mainly I let them conduct the Jam how they saw fit. We did a team voice call on our Discord channel at the middle and end of each day.
Jupiter: During the Jam, we had a few voice calls where we could check in. We did this at the start of the Jam, to get to know each other, and then when they had something playable. We also text chatted on Discord, whenever they needed advice or had something to show. I also reminded them to take care of themselves!
Ben: Mainly over Discord and a few video calls – primarily acted as a sounding board for ideas and provided encouragement and feedback on progress.

Did your team face any challenges during the Jam?

Ben: There were some delivery/build issues at the end, but they were resolved.
Jupiter: Towards the end of the Jam, they had some struggles with uploading the game! We were able to contact the Ukie team, which alleviated panic.
Mark: Yes, they were a person short who didn’t show. They had build problems, which they eventually fixed.

Students (and bears) from Norwich University of the Arts create art for their 2024 Jam game 'Integritet'
Students (and bears) from Norwich University of the Arts create art for their 2024 Jam game 'Integritet'

What was your favourite thing about the Ukie Student Game Jam experience?

Ben: Being able to help, offering advice in general and being a sounding board.
Mark: Guiding young people to achieve their goals.
Jupiter: It’s been really fun to connect with the students and be able to make friends from the Jam! I have since met the team in real life and seen them showcase their other games.

Is there any advice you’d offer to students taking part in the Game Jam this year?

Ben: Aim small, build something you can play quickly to get feedback, and iterate.
Jupiter: Make something playable, then work on polish! As long as there is a playable, fun aspect to the game, you can polish it with the extra time you have.
Mark: Stay engaged and try to gain as much experience working with and helping others as you can. Have fun but stay professional, don’t be afraid to ask questions if you get stuck.

Is there any advice you’d offer to mentors taking part in the Game Jam this year?

Mark: You don’t have to make the game for them (it’s actually against the rules). The teams are very capable and just need some encouragement. They might ask something you have forgotten or don’t know; be honest but work with them to find the answers.
Ben: Remember that you're there to mentor; it can be hard not to get too stuck in sometimes. Listening and advising are why we’re here.
Jupiter: Talk to your team and don’t be afraid to bug them, ask how far along they are, or offer advice to them!

Students from Abertay University working on their 2024 Jam game 'Integritea'
Students from Abertay University working on their 2024 Jam game 'Integritea'

Take part in the Ukie Student Game Jam 2025

If you're a student:
If your institution is a Ukie Students member and you’d like to take part, please check your emails. A sign-up form and further information have been released directly to you.

If you work in the video games industry:
We are looking for mentors from the video games industry to support the student teams during the Ukie Student Game Jam 2025. Find out more and sign up to be a mentor here.

Ben Arundel is the Technical Director for Core Game Tech & UGC at Jagex.
Mark Fraser is the Founder & Managing Director of Aero Astro Arts.
Jupiter Hadley is a journalist for Pocket Gamer and Head of Community at Toya Play Studio. Last year, Jupiter filmed a Let’s Play series of all the Ukie Student Game Jam 2024 entries. You can watch the series on Jupiter’s YouTube channel.

The Ukie Student Game Jam 2025 is proud to be in partnership with Playground Games, Scan Computers, Barclays, Discord and Epic Games.