Earlier this year, Ukie announced its "Raise the Game" pledge to improve diversity and inclusion in the industry, aiming to sign up 200 UK game businesses covering 50% of the country's games workforce by 2021.
To support the push for equality, diversity and inclusion further, Ukie and a number of #raisethegame Pledge Partners are collaborating to deliver a #raisethegamejam for students across the UK on the 18th and 19th November.
Teams of up to six students from across the country will be set the task of making the best game possible, with groups scoring better by adhering to #raisethegame guidance on incorporating equality, inclusion and diversity into their games.
Each team will receive an industry mentor who has volunteered to guide them through the process. These mentors will be available at various times throughout the day online or via phone, with extra emphasis placed on helping teams meet the #raisethegame theme. Ukie’s bi-annual student game jam draws from a pool of 3,000 students from 40 different institutions across the UK.
Last year's Green Game Jam, which highlighted environmental issues, drew a whopping 65 teams from across the country and we're hoping to see a similar turn out this year.
Ways to get involved
Become a mentor
Ukie is looking for a diverse array of mentors from the games industry to support the student teams during the competition by giving advice, guidance, tips and answering questions. This is a great chance to work with the next generation of games industry professionals. Sign up as a mentor here.
Prizes for the winning team(s) are always welcome. For example this could include free games, merchandise, event tickets. If you have any ideas for prizes then please do get in touch.
Please contact Leon for more information or to get involved.
If you're a Ukie student then please make sure you check out the need to know page to find out how to take part.