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Covid-19: Ukie office closes


16th March 2020 - We take the well-being of our staff, the companies who share space with us at Ukie and the people who use the Ukie offices to meet, seriously.

In light of new government advice, we have made the decision to temporarily shut our office for the foreseeable future.

During this time, there will be no access to our office in Farringdon to meet the team or use our meeting facilities.

All events and meetings currently scheduled to take place at the Ukie office will now either take place online, over the phone or be postponed.

The Ukie team will also continue to work remotely during this period. We will also keep you informed of when we plan to re-open through our blog, newsletter and social media channels.

If you would like to talk to a member of the team, please head to our team page for contact details or email [email protected] for general requests.